Environment - Social - Governance

pbb is working to permanently embed the three pillars of ESG: climate and environment (E), social (S) and the legal and factual aspects of corporate governance (G) at the core of its business. Integration of ESG into the Group’s processes, product range and corporate culture continues to progress. 

For pbb, sustainability means making a substantial contribution to securing a long-term future through its actions – and taking into account the consequences of those actions for all stakeholders. It is pbb’s goal to combine long-term economic success with aspects of sustainability in the best possible way, thereby creating lasting benefits for society and the environment while protecting natural resources. In view of its role as a bank, pbb, as part of the financial industry, has a key role to play in the transformation of the economy and society towards greater sustainability. pbb sees it as its duty to increasingly channel investment capital into sustainable forms of use. 

Five overarching strategic ESG objectives have been identified:

  • transformation of the business model and positioning of pbb as a transformation financier,
  • sustainable funding/financing and compatibility with the Paris climate targets,
  • meeting regulatory requirements,
  • sustainable business ecology and
  • transparency, disclosure and communication to bolster financial solidity, expand the business and remain an attractive investment.


E - Environment

pbb has expressly undertaken to adhere to the Paris Climate Agreement, which targets a limitation of global warming to 1.5 degrees compared the pre-industrial age. Accordingly, the bank is working to align its credit portfolios and its operations with the 1.5-degree target. With the goal of achieving this by 2050, pbb has set itself a fundamental long-term climate target that underlies strategic management.

Find out more about our environmental focus.

S - Social

pbb is fully committed to respecting, upholding and strengthening human rights and to preventing abuses thereof. This commitment applies not only to its own business activities, but extends along pbb's Group entire supply and value chain. 

Read more about our social commitment here. 

G - Governance

Integrity, responsible corporate governance and adherence to high ethical principles are, from the perspective of pbb, necessary prerequisites for long-term business success. pbb takes into account not only the statutory, regulatory and supervisory requirements, but also the needs of its clients and the expectations of investors, the general public and its employees. A regular, open and two-way dialogue is essential to ensure that pbb identifies the needs of all stakeholder groups at an early stage and afford them sufficient consideration in decision-making processes.

You can read here what we do to fulfil our claim to responsible corporate governance. 

Further Topics

ESG Ratings

Direct Contact

Michael Heuber
Investor Relations

Tel +49 (0) 89 2880 - 28778
Contact via E-mail

Heike Peller

Tel +49 (0) 89 2880 28782
Fax +49 (0) 89 2880 - 14141
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