Work and family
Reconciling family and work commitments can often be a real challenge. We want to help you find the best solution for both aspects of your life. In addition to flexible working hours and a childcare allowance, our colleagues can take advantage of the various services offered by a family service agency. Options for working from home and a parent-child office at our Garching location round off the benefits we offer.
Social Events
Solidarity, appreciation, and team spirit are important to us. Because we know that coming together as a team is about more than just work, we organise a lot more than individual team events. Depending on the location, pbb organises group sporting activities, monthly get-togethers and, of course, the obligatory Christmas party.
Fair pay
In addition to an attractive salary and performance-based variable remuneration, we also offer occupational pension scheme contributions. Our group accident insurance protects you even when you are not at work and you have the option of leasing the latest technical devices for personal use. You also receive other fringe benefits that are standard in the banking industry.
Health and fitness
Health is a precious asset that we need to value and promote. In order to help you give your health the attention it deserves, we offer discounts for the gym located close to our Garching office, for example. You can also use our company medical service or consult a mobile physiotherapist. Modern shower facilities for employees who want to build exercise into their commute round off what we have to offer.
Social commitment
We are committed to supporting employees who are involved in voluntary work in a personal capacity – for example, in working with the sick, the elderly or young people, or in promoting issues such as environmental protection or the integration of fellow citizens from abroad. A volunteering programme also allows our colleagues to support the Dominik-Brunner-Haus childcare facility for disadvantaged children in Munich.
Our continuous professional development (CPD) opportunities for you:
We challenge you to foster your development.
Your personal and professional development is important to us. At your annual appraisal, you discuss your individual development and CPD needs with your manager and set specific work-related targets. We monitor your progress together and can also take targeted action in response to new challenges and requirements.
Challenges help us to grow and we learn from each other.
Our strength lies in working together as a team and engaging in intensive interdisciplinary dialogue. Together, we rise to the day-to-day challenges facing us and develop tailor-made solutions. This offers you a wide range of opportunities to build a strong network at pbb and to develop in both a professional and personal capacity. You receive support from mentors and experienced colleagues at the various stages in your development. Or you can take on the role of mentor yourself and support new or younger colleagues in their development.
We never stop developing – and are committed to lifelong learning.
No matter what stage you are at in your career, we offer a wide range of CPD opportunities to support your development.
Are you a recent graduate? We offer customised opportunities for further development, both for direct entrants and as part of a trainee programme.
Do you already have some professional experience under your belt? Then take advantage of our demand-driven further CPD programme to refine your expertise.
Are you already an expert in your field? Why not make use of the further personal development opportunities we offer?
We accompany you on your individual development journey by providing external CPD measures and a vast range of in-house measures, from language courses to training on specific topics, such as effective negotiation skills, to various soft skills training sessions and measures to foster team development and allow you to hone your leadership skills. All of our development opportunities aim to provide the very highest quality, are based on state-of-the-art concepts and are designed to respond to the current issues, such as agile working and project management or working from home.