Annual General Meeting 2020

The Management and Supervisory Boards of Deutsche Pfandbriefbank AG (pbb) decided to hold the Annual General Meeting 2020 on 28 May 2020 as a virtual event. As a result, this year's Annual General Meeting was held without the physical presence of our shareholders or their proxies. In this way, we took the special situation caused by the COVID 19 pandemic into account, in which the health of our shareholders and colleagues at pbb has top priority.

The Annual General Meeting was  broadcast live and in full on the Internet for our shareholders via the AGM Portal. They were also able to carry out the following activities online: Conduct postal votes, issue authorisations and instructions or ask questions to be answered at the Annual General Meeting. 

The speeches of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Günther Bräunig, and the CEO, Andreas Arndt, were also broadcast live for interested members of the general public.

A recording of the speech made by Andreas Arndt can be watched here.


Management Board Speech and Presentation

Management Board Speech
Management Board Presentation (German only)

Results of the Annual General Meeting 2020

Voting Results


Countermotion Lars Kesten (10. Mai 2020)
(German only)


+49 89 210 27 250

Monday to Friday
8am - 5pm (MEST)
(except Bavarian Holidays)