Annual General Meeting 2021

The Annual General Meeting 2021 of Deutsche Pfandbriefbank AG was held as a virtual event because the COVID 19 pandemic still does not allow the physical presence of our shareholders or their proxies.

Our shareholders were able to follow the AGM live and in full on the Internet via the AGM portal. The portal provided the following online services among others: Cast a postal vote, issue proxies and instructions, ask questions to be answered at the AGM or submit comments on individual agenda items.

We made the speeches by Supervisory Board Chairman Dr. Günther Bräunig and CEO Andreas Arndt available in advance of the AGM, giving our shareholders the opportunity to ask questions about the remarks. We also answered questions from our shareholders, which reached us by midnight on May 6, 2021, before the AGM on May 10, 2021.

The speeches by the Chairman of the Supervisory Board and the CEO were broadcasted live to interested members of the public.

Documents and Further Information


Informatione in connection with agenda items

Additional information from the Supervisory Board on governance issues

  • Regarding the proposals for election to the supervisory board, the supervisory board generally proposes a term of office of 4 years, which is shorter than the term provided for in the articles of association. With this approach, the Supervisory Board adresses the changing expectations from investor on the one hand, and on the other hand takes into account the need to ensure the necessary continuity. 
  • For the re-election of Dr. Günther Bräunig and Ms. Dagmar Kollmann, a term of office of 2 years is planned. This reflects their long-standing membership on the Supervisory Board in positions of prominent responsibility, but at the same time ensures an orderly transition of responsibilities in the roles of Chairman of the Supervisory Board and Chairman of the Audit Committee.
  • With regard to Dr Bräunig's mandates, we would like to point out that Dr Bräunig is not seeking to extend his mandate as Chairman of the Board of Managing Directors of KfW, which will expire on 30 June 2021. In this context, he will also terminate his Supervisory Board mandates at Deutsche Telekom AG, Bonn and Deutsche Post AG, Bonn i.n the foreseeable future, which are closely related to his role in KfW.
  • The current D&O insurance continues to provide for an excessfor the members of the Supervisory Board in accordance with the recommendation of the former section 3.8 paragraph 3 of the German Corporate Governance Code ("DCGK").

Management Board Speech and Presentation

Management Board Speech
Management Board Presentation (German only)

Results of the Annual General Meeting 2021

Voting Results
Dividend Announcement (German only)


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8am - 5pm (MEST)
(except Bavarian Holidays)