Liquidity at pbb


As of 31 December 2023, pbb's liquidity coverage ratio (LCR) was 212%, 112 percentage points above the 100% required by regulatory law. The ratio has risen since then. As planned, pbb will present details and further figures on 7 March 2024. 

Its liquidity cushion enables pbb to operate for more than six months without new capital market funding.

pbb has sufficient long-term unsecured funding and is not planning a senior unsecured issue for the current year. The long-term unsecured funding includes around € 7 billion in retail deposits, of which more than € 6 billion are fixed-term deposits with an average maturity of more than three years. 

The secured refinancing requirements on the capital market are largely covered for 2024: since summer 2023 alone, the Bank has issued six Pfandbrief benchmarks (three in euros, one each in GBP, USD and SEK).