pbb SE Customer Service Function
In the event of a discrepancy or conflict with regards to the financial services rendered, pbb AG places the pbb SE Customer Service Function at your disposal. Complaints should be sent to this body, in accordance with the Regulations for the defense of the client in Spain. These regulations are at your disposal in pbb SE’s office or on the following link.
Customer Service Function
Monte Esquinza Street 30
4th Floor Right-Side
28010 Madrid
e-mail: servicioatencioncliente(at)pfandbriefbank.com
The possibility to formulate a claim or complaint before the Claims Service of the Bank of Spain and the Spanish Securities & Exchange Commission (CNMV).
- after having exhausted the means of resolution of pbb SE’s Customer Service Function or
- after 15 business days have gone by without receiving an answer (in situations exceptional a month) for those complaints presented in connection with the rights and obligations that derive of the II and III Titles of the Royal Decree Law 19/2018, of November 23, of payment services
For accepting and processing of a claim or complaint by the Claims Service of the Bank of Spain or CNMV, a customer must prove that they had previously submitted it in written to pbb SE´s Customer Service Function.
Regulations, ordered by subject, that regulate the transparency of banking transactions and customer protection:
Customer care and ombudsman service:
- Law 44/2002, of November 22, on reform measures in the financial system, modified by Law 2/2011 of March 4 on sustainable economics.
- Order ECO/734/2004 of March 11 (B.O.E. of March 24), on Customer Care Departments and Ombudsman Services at financial institutions.
- Order ECC/2502/2012, of November 16, which regulates the claims presentation procedure for the Banco de España claims services, the Spanish National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) and the Directorate-General of Insurance and Pensions.
Transparency of banking transactions and customer protection and another consumer protection regulation:
- Order EHA/2899/2011, of October 28 of the Ministry of Economy and Inland Revenue (B.O.E. of October 29), on transparency and banking customer protection services.
- Law 22/2007, of July 11, on distance marketing of financial services for consumers.
- Legislative Royal Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approves the revised text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and users and other complementary laws.
Mortgage loans:
- Law 2/1994, of March 30, on subrogation and modification of mortgage loans.
- Order EHA/2899/2011, of October 28 of the Ministry of Economy and Inland Revenue (B.O.E. of October 29), on transparency and banking customer protection services.
- Royal Decree-Law 2/2003, of April 25, on economic reform measures.
- Law 36/2003, of November 11, on economic reform measures.
- Law 1/2012, of March 26, on the Protection of Consumer Rights Through the Promotion of Transparency in Mortgage Contracting in the Madrid Autonomous Community.
- Royal Decree-Law 6/2012, of March 9, on urgent measures for protecting mortgage loan holders without resources.
General contracting conditions:
- Law 7/1998, of April 13, on general contracting conditions.
- Order EHA/1718/2010 of June 11 from the Ministry of Economy and Inland Revenue (B.O.E. of June 29), on the regulation and control of advertising for banking products and services, developed by Banco de España Circular 6/2010 of September 28 (B.O.E. of October 11), for credit institutions and payment entities, regarding advertising of banking products and services. Order EHA/1717/2010, of June 11 of the Ministry of Economy and Inland Revenue (B.O.E. of June 29), on regulating and controlling advertising of investment products and services.
- Decree 123/2008 of July 1 of the Department of Industry, Trade and Tourism and the Basque Country Department of Culture (B.O. Basque Country of July 16), on the language rights of consumers and users.
- Law 22/2010 of July 20 of the Parliament of Catalonia (DOGC of July 23), on the Catalonia Consumer Code.
- Actual Decree-law 16/2011, of October 14 (B.O.E. of October 15), which creates the Credit Entity's Deposit Guarantee Fund and Royal Decree 628/2010 of May 14 of the Ministry of Economy and Inland Revenue (B.O.E. of June 3), which modifies Royal Decree 2606/1996, of December 20 (B.O.E. of December 21), on deposit insurance funds in credit institutions and the Royal Decree 948/2001, of August 3 (B.O.E. of August 4), on investor indemnity systems.
- Banco de España Circular 5/2012, of June 27 (B.O.E. of 6 July), for credit institutions and payment entities, regarding transparency of banking services and responsibility in the granting of loans.
Payment services:
- Directive 2007/64/EC, of the European Parliament and Council, of November 13, on services on the domestic market, which modifies Directives 97/7/EC, 2002/65/EC, 2005/60/EC and 2006/48/EC and revokes Directive 97/5/EC.
- Law 16/2009 of November 13 (B.O.E. of November 14), on Payment services, developed by Order EHA / 1608/2010 of June 14 by the Ministry of Economy and Inland Revenue (B.O.E. of June 18).
- Order EHA/1608/2010, of June 14, on transparency of reporting conditions and requirements applicable to payment services.
- Regulation (EU) 260/2012, of the European Parliament and Council, of March 14, which establishes technical and business requirements for transfers and direct debit payments in euros, and modifies Regulation (EC) 924/2009.
- Law 2/2011, of March 4, on Sustainable Economy.
Investment Services:
- Royal Decree 4/2015, of October 23, that approves the Law on Securities Market.
- Royal Decree 217/2008, dated 15 February of the Ministry of Economy and Inland Revenue (B.O.E. of February 16) on the legal system of investment services companies and other companies that provide investment services, which partially modifies the terms of Law 35/2003 of November 4 on Collective Investment Institutions, which was approved by Royal Decree 1309/2005 of November 4, developed by Order EHA/1665/2010, of 11 June (B.O.E. of June 23), of the Ministry of Economy and Inland Revenue with regard to fees and standard contracts.
- Circular 7/2011, of December 12, by the Spanish National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) on information leaflets and standard contracts.