- Outstanding volume of green bonds amounts to €1.75 billion
Since market launch in mid-October 2021, pbb Deutsche Pfandbriefbank has extended green loans with a volume of around € 685 million. With these loans, pbb finances for its customers the purchase or development of commercial properties that meet strict environmental criteria, as well as investments in the sustainability of existing properties.
The loans were granted for office properties in Berlin and Frankfurt as well as in the Paris region. pbb extends such loans for all property types in which it is active. For this purpose, the bank has developed a proprietary scoring model that currently takes into account 10 criteria in the three categories "energy efficiency", "building certification" and "other sustainability factors". The criteria are based on market practice and the EU taxonomy. In addition, buildings fully compliant with the EU taxonomy also qualify for green loans.
pbb started issuing green loans to fund its lending business at the beginning of 2021. Following a successful third issue in January 2022, the outstanding volume amounts to € 1.75 billion. Green bonds have become an integral part of pbb's funding strategy.
Media Contacts:
Walter Allwicher, +49-89-2 88 02 87 87, walter.allwicher(at)pfandbriefbank.com
Nina Lux, +49-89-2 88 01 14 96, nina.lux(at)pfandbriefbank.com
- Ansprechpartner für die Medien:
- Walter Allwicher, +49-89-2 88 02 87 87, walter.allwicher(at)pfandbriefbank.com
- Nina Lux, +49-89-2 88 01 14 96, nina.lux@pfandbriefbank.com